Saturday, May 31, 2008

Song Tags! 8D

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer. Even though it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!!!
4. Tag 5 people.
5. Bold the questions. And with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the question.

How are you feeling today?
-Aerith's Theme...
hmm...emo song? but im not feeling emo...o.O"

Will you get far in Life?
-Black Winged Angel
err...until i die?

Will you get married?
i'll get married to colours!!?? what am i nippon odour-less? XD

How do your Friends see you?
-Here In Your Arms(HelloGoodbye)
eerrrmmm...ohkay... .___."

What is you best friends theme song?
-Hungarian Waltz
i don think my best friend listens to classical music...heh heh...

What is the best thing about your friends?
-The Night That Never Ends(Cat Empire)

What is the story of your life?
-Slow Me Down(Emmy Rossum)
my life is too fast? well...maybe...

What is high school like?
-The Weekend(Cat Empire)
eerrrrr...i think its like the week...but wth i have fun too!!!

How can you get ahead in life?
-The Legend Comes Alive(Pokemon 2000 Theme)
heh heh...i'll be a legend? i don mind!!! XD

What is in store for you this weekend?
-Fragments Of Memories(Final Fantasy)

How is your life going?
my life is a lollipop? XD

Will you have a Happy Life?
-Hello Hello(Cat Empire)
hello hello i am having a good life...XD

What do your friends really think of you?
-Breathless(The Corrs)
yay...their breathless...oh no asthma attack!! XD

Do people secretly lust after you?
-Love Song Requiem(Trading Yesterday)
rite.... .___.

How can i make myself happy?
-Love Tropicana(Sister Mayo)
OMG...Guu can make me happy...btw...if your wondering who the hell Guu is...go watch Jungle Wa Itsumo Hare Nochi'll understand after a few episodes...XD

What should you do with your Life?
-Misery Business(Paramore)
i should make ppl misreble??but i wanna make ppl laugh not cry... D8

Will you ever have children?
-For A Pessimist, Im Pretty Optimistic(Paramore)
ok...i'll be optimistic!! XD

- Y-O-U you!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Surprise...8D

hello hello!!! hows ya'll??? Doing good?? im G-R-E-A-T! you noe why? you wanna noe why??


Tell you the story of how my PARENTS of all ppl tricked me into it...

It all started today...i was before this talking to them bout the PSP and they were being quite sneaky after that...becoming really quiet around me and i kinda knew that something was i was like chill only la...


We went for lunch today at the Royal Selangor Club...Fcuking awesome food...want more and more...but lets not get us hungry again...XD...then parents said wanted to go OU so fine aollow la...they asked me 2 come i went being the oh-so-innocent person i am *wink wink*...


We passed by a game kiosk and i pointed out that there was a PSP model...suddenly my mumma and pappa were all over the kiosk and i was like o.O" why la so interested? But then my mumma said nvm go to the upstairs game i was like...why la? just to check price mehh??


I knew something was going i said to them la...why u wanna see the price for PSP so badly la? then they were like...coz we wanna get u one...I STARTED FREAKING OUT!!!! i was like no need!! no need!!! nvm get when cheaper...and i was freaking out to my mum and then she was like ayio shaddap laaaa....just go and get it your father and i wanna get it for u...X.X"


Went to the game shop la...then got it...i was in so much of shock that the owner of the shop who happens to noe me coz of the millions of games i bought for him ok aaar? i was i didnt say much...i was thanking them too yeah...

haihz...its nice to have a PSP but...i cant play it too much...must remember that studies come 1st...hmmm...



Monday, May 19, 2008

Ma Day Today

Hello hello!! blog dashboard was so dusty...had to dust dust long haven't blogged...anyway...getting to today...
I had quite a nice day! I finally went to watch a movie after so long...sheesh...went to see prince caspian with ann and dev...and ann kept on pinching me when she saw the mice...-_-" oh the bruises i'll have tomolo...It was a good movie...buuuuuuuuut...they didnt follow the book ( TT.TT ) so that was a downer...other than that...i l.o.v.e.d the animation and effects they used...i do wish i could roar like aslan...make everybody scream...but i think my scream is loud enough adi so no need to tambah the "power" XD
After that...we went to curve to get ann's short-shorts from nichii...she bought 3 shorties...and one had hearts on the ass...-_-" every1 is gonna be staring at her "love"ly ass...heh heh...went to see if they still sell ps2 games in cineleisure...and guess wat...THEY DON SELL PS2 GAMES IN SLEANGOR ANYMORE!!!!! D8 i was like o.O" are u serious!!!! WTF!!!!!! ARGH!!!! IM GONNA HAVE TO GO TO SOME ULU PLACE TO GET PS2 GAMES!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
But i got over it...when...we went to eat...we ate at myNews cafe...we had 4...-_-" more like tea than lunch but wth...i enjoyed it...i had chicken spaghetti was so fcuking good...we almost had to call an ambulans...haih...finally...a malay chef that noes how to cook asain spaghetti properly...muhahahaha...
Hmmm...i somehow feel like a lampost sometimes when im out with ann and dev...i noe they wanna take me out and they love me so much and all *grin* but its just sometimes when they are lovey-dovey and just wanna be able to do that with somebody you care about...unfortunatly...i don have somebody to hold...sad for me...( TT.TT )
When we came home...i found out my mumma had to go to see a family friend so i was alone for awhile coz my dada had to send her there then he would stay there and wait for i was alone for i watched monday night laughs since no tuition today...for once...but it turned out that only My Wife and Kids made me laugh...the rest was full of drama...yeesh...but anyway over it...
Ok...time for some gossip...ann and i found out that the actor that plays alex karev in greys anatomy has 5 FREAKING KIDS!!! and the thing is...he looks damn young...rite...he must have been getting it on since he was like 12 or than that...ok here's the soup of the day...a girl that had a gender change operation married a guy that had gender sex operation cool...which says that love is all around...yay!
In other news...i got an excorsism ring need it...bad times...baaad times...
In other news...goodbye!!!

-pete- XD

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The World Right Now.

We all think that we, our generation will not see the end of the world right? But let me ask you? What about our children? thier children? Do you wanna see your children facing the Earths destruction and let you hear them saying its our fault? I dont think you would want that right?

Here are some of earths stats right now:

At 7.10p.m(malaysian time)
Earths population: 6,670,752,780 and rising by 3 per second.
Birth's around the world: 258 per minute.
Death's around the world: 107 per minute.
Abortions around the world: 88 per minute
People infected by HIV around the world: 5 per minute
and lastly
Earths temp(c) on the rise at 7.11pm(malaysian time): 14.6234832716

this may not scare you...but just imagine the population of the world by the year 2020...9billion? 11billion? 20billion? imagine the amount of people being infected by HIV/AIDS by 2020...20million? 40million?imagine Earths temperature by 2020...going up 15C. a day?
What are we doing to our Earth? You may think that "Oh, I dont screw up the earth" but let me tell you everyday almost 400galleons of pollution is put into our atmosphere...400GALLEONS...each day 650thousend hectars of forest is being cleared away for construction of new cities and posh apartments...thats more than 3 million tree's being cleared away for our comfort. That could have been 650hundred thousend galleons of oxygen wasted for our comfort. and you wonder why we are getting sick so often? why epidemics and pandemics are become a more common name...used more than twice a day by 2 out of 10 people? The Nothing more nothing less. Just us.

Global warming...a term not known to the average person in the 1900's but now becoming our worst problem.

Facts on Global warming

-The number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled over the last 30 years.
-The flow of ice from glaciers in Greenland has more than doubled over the past DECADE.
-At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming and are moving closer to the poles.
-All of the ten hottest days on record has occured in the last 15 years.

If global warming continues:

-Deaths from global warming will double in 25 years to 300,000 people a year.
-Global sea levels will rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and the Antartic, devastating coastel areas and coastel cities around the world.
-Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense.
-Droughts and wildfires will occur more frequently.
-THE ARTIC OCEAN COULD BE ICE FREE BY 2050 drowning polar bears who rely on the ice for ground.
-More than a million species of wildlife could be driven to extinction by 2050.

Does that scare you? If it didnt well then your not human...but if it did please start helping to save our world...

if you would like to learn more and help stop global warming please visit these sites:

We can make a Difference.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Ascending Day... was Ascension day(day when jesus christ was taken up to heaven)...and on of the most tiring today for me!!! -.-" ... it 7FREAKING30 IN THE MORNING!!! when my mumma woke me up by turning on my room light and saying quite loudly WAKE UP TIME FOR CHURCH!!!...well she was not saying it so loud larr...but it sounded loud to me coz i was sleeping b'fore this so it was like thousends of gong's going off in my head...jeez...i had forgotten that it was ascension that day and i was like wtf? why is there mass today larr??...then i remembered..-_-" i went for mass...
At church...i served(yes i am an alter server and yes u can stare at me with your mouth open =.='') so yeah...i was serving with sharon's lovely(kwok hsien)...julian and yeah...mass was...well...tiring...except for the homily...father was talking...and talking......and talking when suddenly for some unknown reason i remember what Aud had said bout HER lovely...and i quote"he's so hot, he's so hot" and i almost burst out laughing...heh heh...but i had to not laugh so i was like...hold it in hold it in...heh heh...after mass i went study...jeng jeng jeng
When im on my way home i get a call from chang nien...asked me to go to his house to study... -__-" so i did...went sommore...we studied for like 7 hours O.O'' so u can imagine how i was after that...but as a reward i got to watch meet the spartens...heh heh...funny shit... XD ...but i had to go home at 6 jaga rumah...muhahahah...which i did thank you very then after that i had dinner with my aunt uncle grandma and kathy...amazingly kathy helped to clear up after dinner...O.o...still in shock btw...
Anyway gonna sleep now...i studied for like more than 24hours in the past 3 my brain is working on overload...XD...

-peeete- XD